We have been getting compliments on our recent favourite project. We could not be happier with how it turned out and the final selection the client made.
Background: Filo Mining is a spin-out of Filo del Sol project that was previously part of NGEx Resources portfolio. Filo Mining is a Lundin Group Company.
Filo del Sol Project
Concept: Filo means “Ridge” – “sharp ridge” in Argentina Spanish, and “razors edge” in proper Spanish. Sol means sun. Filo del Sol project is located in the Andes and straddles the border between Argentina and Chile.
Inspiration: The client requested to see the sun as one the elements in the logo. The images of mountains at sunrise or sunset immediately came to mind. The distinct Alpine Glow was the main captivating element we wanted to achieve.
Alpine Glow Concept
Another point of of inspiration came from the graphic qualities of vintage travel posters. Simple, bold lines create powerful image, easy to remember.
Vintage travel poster.
Final logo for Filo Mining.